The average house price on GREEN LANE COTTAGES is £532,386
The most expensive house in the street is 7 GREEN LANE COTTAGES with an estimated value of £620,810
The cheapest house in the street is 8 GREEN LANE COTTAGES with an estimated value of £461,730
The house which was most recently sold was 6 GREEN LANE COTTAGES, this sold on 18 Feb 2020 for £420,000
The postcode for GREEN LANE COTTAGES is HA7 3AE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GREEN LANE COTTAGES Detached £557,501 £330,000 23 Nov 2006
6 GREEN LANE COTTAGES Terraced £517,670 £420,000 18 Feb 2020
7 GREEN LANE COTTAGES Terraced £620,810 £190,000 1 Oct 2001
8 GREEN LANE COTTAGES Terraced £461,730 £240,000 10 Sep 2004
9 GREEN LANE COTTAGES Terraced £469,461 £305,000 1 Jul 2014
10 GREEN LANE COTTAGES Terraced £472,561 £301,250 11 Apr 2014
11 GREEN LANE COTTAGES Semi-Detached £574,628 £330,000 15 Aug 2011
12 GREEN LANE COTTAGES Terraced £584,734 £465,000 5 Apr 2018